I am a proud supporter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In 2023, I joined thousands of residents from the Pittsburgh Region in AFSP’s Out of the Darkness Walk. I joined the AFSP Planning Committee to help pull this event together. Additionally, I joined my employer’s walk team under the banner of UPMC Western Behavioral Health; over 300 UPMC employees and their family members joined the team. Together, by garnering donations and attracting a matching donation from UPMC of $10,000, our team alone raised almost $30,000 for AFSP. Additionally, I support the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Public advocacy and volunteering is not just a fulfillment of my personal and professional interests. It is an answer to the American Counseling Association’s call to participate in this type of advocacy (2014). To learn more about my insight into counseling ethics, please download my assignment.
UPMC Western Behavior Health team at the Pittsburgh AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk.
American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. https://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/2014-code-of-ethics-finaladdress.pdf